Art Director with a Swiss Army Knife

Process Book AIWS


Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Alice in Wonderland syndrome | AIWS


STRATEGY: Target parents of children ages 18 and under who receive healthcare at CHOP.

IDEA: Have an informational booklet on AIWS in the style of a bedtime storybook.

Disciplines: Publication Design, Book Layout Design, Digital, Print

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) is the nation's first hospital devoted exclusively to the care of children. Since our start in 1855, CHOP has been the birthplace for countless breakthroughs and dramatic firsts in pediatric medicine. The Neuropsychology and Assessment Service at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) provides evaluation and consultation services for children with specific medical disorders. The purpose of a neuropsychological evaluation is to understand how medical conditions or treatments involving the brain or central nervous system affect the person’s development, including impacts on cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functioning.

Alice in Wonderland syndrome (AIWS) is a brain-related condition that disrupts how you perceive your own body, the world around you or both. Named for a famous children’s storybook, this rare condition makes things look or feel larger or smaller than they actually are. It can happen for several reasons, many temporary or treatable.



Why is this brief here? Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia | CHOP wants to educate parents of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome | AIWS.

Who are we trying to influence? Parents of children 18 and younger who receives healthcare at CHOP.

What do we want them to do as a result of the communications? Make parents feel like a better parent because they know the signs and symptoms of AIWS.

How do we expect communications to work towards achieving this? By placing these informational booklets in the waiting area of the Children’s Hospital Neurology located in CHOP, they will be read by the parents who are waiting for their child to be seen by the healthcare provider.

What are we trying to convey? AIWS symptoms should not be ignored.

What will help people to know this? AIWS is a brain-related condition that disrupts how you perceive your own body.

What will help people to feel this? Having these symptoms — especially if never had them before — can be a disturbing or even scary experience.